%100 eğitim bursu ve araştırma teşviği olanakları mevcuttur. Bölümdeki hocaların proje durumlarına bağlı olarak, yüksek lisans öğrencilerinin projelerde bursiyer olarak çalışabilme olanağı da bulunmaktadır. Örneğin TÜBİTAK projelerinde görevlendirilen bursiyerlere temin ettiği aylık burs meblağına ilaveten Kadir Has Üniversitesi ek katkıda bulunmaktadır. Detaylı bilgi https://sgs.khas.edu.tr/tr adresinden temin edilebilir.
Minimum requirements for application:
• Graduation from a bachelor's degree
• Minimum grade point average of 2.80 out of 4.00 (or a corresponding score)
• Minimum passing score in Entrance Examinations for Graduate Studies (ALES/GRE)
• English proficiency
The criteria to be considered in the evaluation to the program are as follows:
- Transcript (min. graduation average of 2.80/4.00)
- Diploma
- Exam Score Report for Graduate Studies (ALES or GRE)
- English Proficiency Examination Score Report
For detailed information: https://sgs.khas.edu.tr/tr/basvuru-hakkinda-basvuru-kosullari - Statement of Purpose
It should be written in English and should not exceed 1500 words. It should include information such as why the candidates apply to the program, who(s) they intend to do research in the program, what kind of research they seek to pursue in the program, past research experiences, expectations from the program and academic/professional future plans.
- Two Letters of Reference
- Resume
- Interview
Evaluation and Admission Process
In the consequence of preliminary evaluations conducted based on the application information and documents submitted, prospective students will be invited for an interview. Failure to attend the interview will disqualify prospective students from further consideration.
Applications are evaluated by an admissions jury established by the faculty members of the department. The admissions jury submits its recommendation regarding the admission of prospective students and the final procedure will be pursued by the School of Graduate Studies.
Candidates who are found successful in the evaluations will receive a scholarship up to 100%.
Candidates who are accepted to the program can take part in research projects carried out by the faculty members, if deemed appropriate.
To receive information about application schedule and online application: https://international.khas.edu.tr/admission-to-graduate-programs-2/