Kadir Has University Gender Studies Doctoral Program – Current Students

Ebrar Begüm Üstün, the Women’s Studies Ph.D. candidate, has published an article titled ‘Femicides covered Istanbul Newspapers of the Early Republican Period (1923-1945)’ in the January 2024 issue of Toplumsal Tarih. The article scrutinizes femicides featured in newspapers of the era, including Cumhuriyet, Son Posta, and İkdam. Her research delves into the factors and commonly used expressions of the femicides while examining how those news texts approached these crimes from the gendered perspectives of perpetrators and victims.

Ebrar Begüm ÜSTÜN 

Entry cohort: Fall 2021 

Area(s) of Interest

Feminist historiography, violence against women, gender and the body, medicalization of women’s body

Current Research

Thinking Towards the De-Medicalization of Births in Contemporary Turkey: Developing an Understanding for normalized episiotomies with an Intersectional Approach, TÜBİTAK Project 3005, Doctorate Boursier


Sociology, MA, Yıldız Technical Universityi

Sociology, BA, Süleyman Şah Üniversitesi


Awards and Mentions: 2020 Dicle Koğacıoğlu Article Award – Honorable mention 



Entry Cohort: Fall 2021

Area(s) of Interest

Political ecology, human-nonhuman relations, sociology of climate change, sociology of disasters, migration studies, queer migration, gender and space, food and gender

Current Research

“Earthquakes and Women: Determining the Factors for a Social Vulnerability Sensitive Earthquake Disaster Planning for Istanbul- Diagnosis, Analysis and Solutions” TUBITAK 1001 Project, Doctorate Boursier


International Migration and Ethnic Relations, MA, Malmö University, Sweden

Political Science, MA, Sabancı University

International Relations, BA, Bilkent University


Şahin, G. (2023). Making Home(s) in Displacement: Critical Reflections on a Spatial Practice, by Luce Beeckmans, Alessandra Gola, Ashika Singh, and Hilde Heynen (eds.). Gender, Place & Culture, DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2023.2225340

Şahin, G. (2022). Ties that Matter: Queer Ways of Surviving a Transit Country. In: Cammingas, B. & Marnell, J. (eds). Queer and Trans African Mobilities: Migration, Asylum and Diaspora. London: ZED. 

Şahin, G. (2021). Everyday Struggles of Queer Refugees for Homemaking. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 6(1), 41-63. 

Awards and Mentions

2023 ASR Prize for Best Africa-focused Anthology or Edited Collection (as contributor to Queer and Trans African Mobilities: Migration, Asylum and Diaspora, 2022, ZED)


Yigit Bahadir KAYA

Entry cohort: Fall 2021

Area(s) of Interest 

New media, technology studies, social media, communication studies, cultural studies, masculinity, gender and representation

Current Research

“The Analysis of Turkish Youth’s Mate Selection Practices via Location Based Mobile Dating Applications”, TUBITAK 3501 Project, Doctorate Boursier


Communication Studies, MA, Kadir Has University

New Media, BA, Kadir Has University


Awards and Mentions


Elif Bestenigar MERT

Entry cohort: Fall 2020

Area(s) of Interest

The psychology of gender, violence against women, labor market participation of battered women 

Current Research

Mert, E. B. and Cindoğlu, D. (2023). From Shelters to Labor Market: Not An Easy Journey. The Role of Women Shelters to Battered Women’s Labor Market Participation (to be published)

Nursoy-Demir, M., Mert, E. B., and Kılıç, H. (2023). “Mental Health in Turkey” .In Awaad, R. and colleagues (Eds.) Muslim Mental Health. Washington, USA: American Psychological Association (to be published)

Mert, E. B. and Nursoy Demir, M. (2023). Music Therapy Implementations in the Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Era: Contributions and Writings of Doctor Hasan Suuri Efendi (? – 1693-1694) (to be published). 

Mert, E. B. (2023). Natural Disaster Traumas: Definition, Response Principles and Techniques. In Arıcı-Özcan, N., Çekici, F., Aydın-Sünbül, Z. (Eds.). Trauma and Crisis Response Principles and Techniques for Mental Health Professionals, Nobel Academic Publications (to be published). 


Clinical Psychology, MA, Ibn Haldun University

Psychology, BA, Istanbul Şehir University


Başer-Baykal, N. & Mert, E. B. (2023). “Postmodern Group Psychotherapies”. In Ergüney-Okumuş, E. (Ed.), Introduction to Group Psychotherapies: Theories and Implementations, Nobel Academic Publications

Mert, E. B. (2022). “Positive Psychotheraphy”. In Başer-Baykal, N. (Ed.), Post-Modern Psychotheraphies and Case Implementations, Nobel Academic Publications

Görmez, V., Kılıç, H. … Mert, E. B., Mahlouta, B. and colleagues (2017). Evaluation of a school-based, teacher-delivered psychological intervention group program for trauma-affected Syrian refugee children in Istanbul. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology, United Kingdom. 

Görmez, V., Kılıç, H. … Mert, E. B. (2016). School-Based Psychosocial Support Program for War Affected Children (MODP):A pilot study. VI. Ulusal PDR Uygulamalar Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri, Gaziantep: Turkey.

Awards and Mentions


Ayşe Berre ÖZDEMİR

Entry cohort: Fall 2021

Area(s) of Interest

The representation of women in cinema and TV series, gender and representation, media studies, fan culture, cultural Studies

Current Research


Cultural Studies, MA, Istanbul Şehir University

Turkish Language and Literature, BA, Istanbul University


Awards and Mentions



Entry cohort: Fall 2020 

Area(s) of Interest

Space and society, gender and space, spatial justice, contemporary debates on design and architecture, critical historiography


Architecture and Urban Studies, MA, Kadir Has University

Architecture, BA, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University


Yıldırım, Y. (2023) ‘Barın(a)ma(ma)nın Kadın+ Hali: Türkiye’de Güncel Mücadeleler ve Tahayyüller’, Reflektif 4(1), doi: 10.47613/reflektif.2023.94 pp. 85-97.

Yıldırım, Y. (2023) ‘Feminist Öznellikle Kentte Dolaşmak: Kavramsal Bir Çerçeve’, Sanat Dünyamız 195, pp. 36-40.

Yıldırım, Y. (2022) ‘Feminist International: How to Change Everything’, Gender, Place, and Culture, 29 (7) doi: 10.1080/0966369X.2021.1981635 pp.1047-50.

Gümüş, M., Yıldırım, Y. (2022) ‘Gençlik Katılımında Sivil Toplum, Yerel Yönetimler ve Üniversiteler Arasında İş Birliği ve Muhtemel Yeni Yaklaşımlar’, IPA Istanbul 7, pp.48-51.

Yıldırım, Y. (2021) ‘Mimarın Dilindekiler: Anahtar Kavramlar—Beden’, Arredamento Mimarlık 344, p. 58.

Yıldırım, Y. (2020) ‘The Fourth Istanbul Design Biennial: A School of Schools’, International Journal of Islamic Architecture 9 (1) doi: 10.1386/ijia_00010_5 pp. 217-21

Yıldırım, Y. (2020) ‘Kurda, Kuşa, Aşa: Feminist Bir Mekânsal Pratik Olarak Aslıhan Demirtaş’, Arredamento Mimarlık 341, pp. 37-38.

Yıldırım, Y. (2020) ‘Bölünmüş Ekran’, Ege Mimarlık 107, pp. 50-63.

Yıldırım, Y. (2019) ‘Pasifik Okyanusu’ndan İstanbul’a Yedinci Kıta’, Arredamento Mimarlık 337, pp. 100-105.

Yıldırım, Y. (2019) ‘Yaşanabilir Yaşamlar için Bedensel Talepler’, Arredamento Mimarlık 330, pp. 107.

Yıldırım, Y. (2019) ‘Hasar Görmüş Bir Gezegende Yaşanabilir Gelecek Tahayyülleri’, Sanat Dünyamız 171, pp. 80-88.

Yıldırım, Y. (2018) ‘Okullar Okulu’ndan Ne Öğrendim?’, Arredamento Mimarlık 326, pp. 100-103.

Yıldırım, Y. (2018) ‘Feminist Mekânsal Pratikler ve Üç Konuk’, Arredamento Mimarlık 324, pp. 65-67

Yıldırım, Y., Batuk, A., Ulusoy, Z. (2018) ‘EAAE 2018 Konferansı: Mimarlık Eğitimini Tasarım Stüdyosu Üzerinden Düşünmek’, Mimarlık 404, pp. 25-27.

Yıldırım, Y. (2017) ‘İstanbul’da Bir “Sis Çanı”: Biz İnsan Mıyız?’, Mimarlık 393, pp. 36-39.

Awards and Mentions

TSMD Türk Serbest Mimarlar Derneği  (Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice) 14th Awards for Architecture, Press-Publication Award (Medyascope-Şehir Hepimizin program), October 2021



Entry cohort: Fall 2021

Area(s) of Interest

Labor Market, Gender Discrimination in the Workplace, Motherhood, Gender and Space, Gender Equality in Education, Childhood Studies, Masculinity Studies

Current Research

QNB Finansbank Gender Equality Plan and Guidelines (2022-23)

Project Manager: Prof. Dilek Cindoğlu


Sociology, MA, Bogazici University

Urban and Regional Planning, BA, Yildiz Technical University


Cenk Özbay and  İlkay Baliç, “Erkekliğin Ev Halleri” [Masculinity at Home]. Toplum ve Bilim 101, İstanbul, September 2004.

Awards and Mentions



Entry cohort: Fall 2020

Area(s) of Interest
Gender and body, medicalization of birth, obstetric violence, reproductive justice 

Current Research
Thinking Towards the De-Medicalization of Births in Contemporary Turkey: Developing an Understanding for Normalized Episiotomies with an Intersectional Approach, TÜBİTAK Project 3005, Doctorate Boursier


Social Project and Management of Non-Governmental Organizations, MA, Istanbul Bilgi University (2019)

Sociology, BA, Marmara University (2015)


Awards and Mentions



Entry cohort: Fall 2020

Area(s) of Interest

Disasters, property, gender, agriculture

Current Research

“Earthquakes and Women: Determining the Factors for a Social Vulnerability Sensitive Earthquake Disaster Planning for İstanbul- Diagnosis, Analysis and Solutions” TUBITAK 1001 Project, doctorate boursier


Women’s Studies, MA, Istanbul University

International Relations, BA, Dogus University

Psychology, BA, Dogus University


Awards and Mentions




Entry cohort: Spring 2023

Area(s) of Interest

Sociology of Religion, Political Sociology, Youth Studies, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Ethnography, Qualitative Research Methods

Current Research

Cultural Heritage and Identities of Europe’s Future (CHIEF) , Horizon 2020 /  2018-2021/ MSGSU/ Financial and Technical Coordinator- Researcher

Building Gender Equality Through Gender Budgeting for Institutional Transformation (BUDGET-IT), Horizon Europe / 2023- / KHAS/ Project Assistant/ Researcher

Asia Regional Representative- (2023-2027) International Sociological Association, Gender and Women in Society Research Committee


Sociology, MA, Boğaziçi University

Sociology, BA, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University


Oral A and Esmer, E (2022) The Nightingales: The Tactical Positioning of Young Middle- Class Pious Muslim Women in Turkey,in Seukwa L. H, Marmer, E, Sylia, C. (eds.), The Challenge of Cultural Heritage and Identity for Inclusive and Open Societies, Peter Lang.

Esmer, E (2022), ‘Helal Dairesi’nde Kadın Kadına Müzik: Türkiye’de Kentli Dindar Genç Kadınların Kültürel Pratikleri’ in Şentürk, Y., Uçarol, A. B. And Ezik, A. (eds.), Türkiye’de Gençlik Tartışmaları [Debates on Youth in Turkey], Heretik Publisher.

Şentürk, Y., Kurban, S.B, Uçarol, A.B., Oral, A.,Esmer, E and Mete, H. (2018) National Cultural/Educational Literature Review (Turkey), European Commission.

Oral, A and Esmer, E. (2021) Hobgoblin Game Club- PAR Ethnography Case Studies, European Commission.

Esmer E, Chatterjee C, Gohad P, Oral, A,  Stasulane, A. (2021) Engagement with Young People’s Cultural Practices: : Cluster Analysis of Ethnography with Young People, European Commission.

Awards and Mentions

TÜBİTAK – BİDEB – 2224-A International Scientific Events Support Program – 1st Term Scholarship for 2023.

Asia Regional Representative- (2023-2027) International Sociological Association, Gender and Women in Society Research Committee.


Shima Tadrisi HASSANI

Entry cohort: Fall 2022

Area(s) of Interest

Social Movements in the Middle East, Women in Informal Economy, Political Participation of Women, Women and Resistance in the Middle East

Current Research


Social Sciences, MA, Iran Academia Online Institute, The Netherlands

Executive Management with a focus on Strategic Management, MA, Islamic Azad University of Science and Research Branch, Kermanshah, Iran

English Literature, BA, Azad University of Rasht, Rasht, Iran


Tadrisi, Sh. (2023). [Review of the book Revolutionary Life, by A. Bayat]. The Journal of Resistance Studies. 

Roshandel, J., Sadeghi, F. & Tadrisi, Sh. (2019). Gender Equality and Empowerment in Iran: A Comparison between Ahmadinejad’s and Rouhani’s Governments. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 42(3), 35-53. 

Tadrisi, Sh. (2018). Investigating how men and women perceive, experience, and react to corruption. Iran Academia Journal, 2, 150-178.

Abedi, H. & Tadrisi, Sh. (2015). Enhancing Women’s political participation via Positive   Discrimination. The Second Conference on Women, Moderation, and Development, 355-380. 

Awards and Mentions



Entry cohort: Fall 2020

Area(s) of Interest 

Theater and performance studies, gender studies, memory studies, feminist theater, Ottoman and Armenian theater and literature.

Current Research


Cultural Studies, MA, Istanbul Şehir University

Political Science and International Relations, BA, Boğaziçi University


Author: Zabel (French), Kontr Éditions, 2022 (ISBN: 978-2-4912210-7-2)

Editor: Bercuhi Berberyan, İster Ağla İster Gül: Sahne Tozlu Anılarım [Cry or Laugh: My Dusty Memories of Theater] BGST Publishing House, 2021 (ISBN: 978-625-7696-00-5)

Editor: Nesim Ovadya İzrail, Osmanlı ve Türkiye Tiyatrosunda Şahinyanlar [Şahinyan Family in the Ottoman and Turkey Theatre], BGST Publishing House, 2018 (ISBN: 978-975-6165-88-1)

Author: Zabel (Turkish), BGST Publishing House, 2018 (ISBN: 978-975-6165-84-3) 

Translator: Vasili Toporkov, Stanisvaski Provada [Stanislavski in Rehearsal], BGST Publishing House, 2017 (ISBN: 978-975-6165-76-8)

Awards and Mentions

     2022     Sivil Düşün European Union Programme – “Get Heard” Grant for Artists and Activists

     2022     ArtsMap – Microsupport Grant for Artistic and Cultural Netherlands and Turkish Joint Projects

     2022     Impact Hub Istanbul & Friedrich Naumann Foundation – Creative Activism Fellowship

     2021     Sivil Düşün European Union Programme “Get Heard” Grant for Artists and Activists

     2020     PRX Google Podcasts Creator Program – Fellowship

     2020     University of York The Centre for Applied Human Rights – Arctivist Grant 

     2018     Turkish Theatre Critics Awards – Best Playwright of the Year

     2018     Üstün Akmen Theatre Awards – Best Playwright of the Year 

     2015     Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – Short Term Grant for Armenian Studies 

     2015     Hrant Dink Foundation – Turkey-Armenia Travel Grant for Artists 

     2014     Istanbul Şehir University – Graduate Student Grant 

     2013     Sadri Alışık Acting Awards – Special Jury Award for Acting in Musical or Comedy

     2009     Boğaziçi University – Mümin Tansever Club Activities Award 

     2009     Boğaziçi University – Cemil Köksal Award



Entry cohort:Fall 2022

Area(s) of Interest

public sphere, urban studies, gender studies, human geography, knowledge production, spatial approaches to social sciences

Current Research


Istanbul Technical University, M.Sc., Architectural Design

Istanbul Technical University, B.Arch., Architecture

Ankara Highschool of Science (Ankara Fen Lisesi)


Awards and Mentions




Öykü Deniz AYTEMİZ

Entry cohort: Spring 2022

Area(s) of Interest

Media studies, cultural studies, nations and nationalism, gender and culture 

Current Research

“A Social History of Electrical Household Technologies in Turkey (1930-2020): Modernization in Women’s Everyday Lives”, TÜBİTAK 1001, Doctorate Boursier

“The Status of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Plus Employees in Employment”, KaosGL Association 


Political Science, MA, Bilkent University

Political Communication, Pre-Master, University of Amsterdam

International Relations, BA, Bilkent University


Awards and Mentions