Associate Professor ASLI AKTAN ERCİYES



Boğaziçi University
Psychological Sciences

Master's Degree

Boğaziçi University

Bachelor's Degree

Boğaziçi University

Research Areas

  • Language Development
  • Second Langauge Acquisition
  • Language - Cognition interaction
  • Cognitive development

Work Experience

2018 / Continuing Department of Psychology
Assistant Professor

2017 / 2018 Department of Psychology
Adjunct Professor

2017 / 2018 Koç University
Post-doc researcher

2015 / 2017 Research Assistant
Koç University

2012 / 2015 Research Assistant
Boğaziçi University

Administrative Duties

Görev Adı Görev Yeri Başlangıç tarihi Bitiş Tarihi
Kurumsal Araştırma ve Değerlendirme Direktörü Kadir Has Üniversitesi, Rektörlük 23.01.2024
Double Major Coordinator Psikoloji Bölümü 01.01.2020


  • Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Ger, Ebru; Göksun, Tilbe (2024), "Influences of early and intense L2 exposure on L1 causal verb production: Comparison of 5-, 7-, and 9-year-old bilingual and monolingual children", First Language, DOI: 10.1177/01427237241264866
  • Göksun, Tilbe; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Karadöller, Dilay Z.; Demir-Lira, Ece (2024), "The multifaceted nature of early vocabulary development: Connecting children's characteristics with parental input types", Child Development Perspectives, DOI: 10.1111/cdep.12524
  • Kandemir, Songül; Özer, Demet; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı (2023), "Multimodal language in child-directed versus adult-directed speech", Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, DOI: 10.1177/17470218231188832
  • Arslan, Burcu; Aktan-Erciyes, Asll; Göksun, Tilbe (2023), "Multimodal language in bilingual and monolingual children: Gesture production and speech disfluency", Bilingualism, Vol.39, DOI: 10.1017/S1366728923000196
  • Ozdemir, Salih C.; Aktan-Erciyes, Asll; Göksun, Tilbe (2023), "Parental use of causal language for preterm and full-term children: A longitudinal study", Journal of Child Language, DOI: 10.1017/S030500092300048X
  • Aktan-Erciyes, Asll; Akbuǧa, Emir; Dik, Feyza Nur; Göksun, Tilbe (2022), "Linguistic and nonlinguistic evaluation of motion events in a path-focused language", Applied Psycholinguistics, Vol.43, No.4, 829-865 DOI: 10.1017/S0142716422000169
  • Ünlütabak, Burcu; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Yılmaz, Duygu; Kandemir, Songül; Göksun, Tilbe (2022), "Parental input during book reading and toddlers' elicited and spontaneous communicative interactions", Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Vol.81, DOI: 10.1016/j.appdev.2022.101436
  • Altın, Elif; Okur, Nurdem; Yalçın, Esra; Eraçıkbaş, Asude Firdevs; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı (2022), "Relations Between L2 Proficiency and L1 Lexical Property Evaluations", Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.13, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.820702
  • Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Akbuğa, Emir; Kızıldere, Erim; Göksun, Tilbe (2022), "Motion event representation in L1-Turkish versus L2-English speech and gesture: Relations to eye movements for event components", International Journal of Bilingualism, DOI: 10.1177/13670069221076838
  • Kobaş, Mert; Kızıldere, Erim; Doğan, Işıl; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Demir-Lira, Ece; Akman, İpek; Göksun, Tilbe (2022), "Motor skills, language development, and visual processing in preterm and full-term infants", Current Psychology, DOI: 10.1007/s12144-021-02658-8
  • Aktan-Erciyes, Asli; Göksun, Tilbe; Tekcan, Ali İzzet; Aksu-Koç, Ayhan (2021), "Children’s thinking-for-speaking: Bidirectional effects of L1 Turkish and L2 English for motion events", Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Vol.11, No.5, 669-699 DOI: 10.1075/lab.19027.akt
  • Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Ünlütabak, Burcu; Zengin, Betül Firdevs (2021), "Effects of second-language acquisition on character introductions in 5- and 7-year-old bilingual and monolingual children’s Frog story narratives", First Language, Vol.41, No.5, 605-622 DOI: 10.1177/01427237211024219
  • Kobaş, Mert; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Göksun, Tilbe (2021), "Fine motor abilities and parental input of spatial features predict object word comprehension of Turkish-learning children", Infant and Child Development, Vol.30, No.4, DOI: 10.1002/icd.2243
  • Aktan-Erciyes, Asll; Göksun, Tilbe (2021), "Early parental causal language input predicts children's later causal verb understanding", Journal of Child Language, DOI: 10.1017/S0305000921000805
  • Aktan-Erciyes, Asli (2021), "Understanding language acquisition: Neural theory of language", Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Vol.17, No.2, 697-705 DOI: 10.52462/jlls.48
  • Kızıldere, Erim; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Tahiroğlu, Deniz; Göksun, Tilbe (2020), "A multidimensional investigation of pretend play and language competence: Concurrent and longitudinal relations in preschoolers", Cognitive Development, Vol.54, DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2020.100870
  • Aktan-Erciyes, Asli (2020), "Effects of second language on motion event lexicalization: Comparison of bilingual and monolingual children's frog story narratives", Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Vol.16, No.3, 1127-1145 DOI: 10.17263/jlls.803576
  • Aktan-Erciyes, Asli (2020), "Longitudinal effects of second language on first language narrative skills and executive functions of preschool children", Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Vol.16, No.1, 42-58 DOI: 10.17263/JLLS.712638
  • Aktan-Erciyes, Asli; Göksun, Tilbe (2019), "Early event understanding predicts later verb comprehension and motion event lexicalization", Developmental Psychology, Vol.55, No.11, 2249-2262 DOI: 10.1037/dev0000804
  • Kısa, Yağmur Deniz; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Turan, Eylül; Göksun, Tilbe (2019), "Parental use of spatial language and gestures in early childhood", British Journal of Developmental Psychology, Vol.37, No.2, 149-167 DOI: 10.1111/bjdp.12263
  • Demir-Lira, Ece; Aktan-Erciyes, Aslı; Göksun, Tilbe (2019), "New insights from children with early focal brain injury: Lessons to be learned from examining STEM-related skills", Developmental Psychobiology, Vol.61, No.3, 477-490 DOI: 10.1002/dev.21847
  • Aksu-Koç, Ayhan; Aktan-Erciyes, Asli (2018), "Narrative discourse: Developmental perspectives", Handbook of Communication Disorders: Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Linguistic Perspectives,
  • Tekcan, Ali I.; Boduroglu, Aysecan; Mutlutürk, Aysu; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı (2017), "Life-span retrieval of public events: Reminiscence bump for high-impact events, recency for others", Memory and Cognition, Vol.45, No.7, 1095-1112 DOI: 10.3758/s13421-017-0724-1
  • Tekcan, Ali; Yılmaz, Engin; Kaya Kızılöz, Burcu; Karadöller, Dilay Z.; Mutafoğlu, Merve; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı (2015), "Retrieval and phenomenology of autobiographical memories in blind individuals", Memory, Vol.23, No.3, 329-339 DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2014.886702


Project Name Role in the Project Project Type Fund Establishment Project Date
Gelişimsel perspektiften nedensel dil, nedensel akıl yürütme ve karşı-olgusal dil ve karşı olgusal düşünmenin incelenmesi: Bir zihinsel uzam çalışması Yürütücü Ulusal Proje TÜBİTAK ARDEB 01.05.2024
İkinci dil ediniminin okul öncesi ve okul çağı çocuklarında anlatı becerilerinin kurgusal, dilbilimsel ve algısal süreçlerine olan etkisi: Boylamsal bir çalışma Yürütücü Ulusal Proje TÜBİTAK ARDEB 15.07.2020
Edinilen İkinci Dildeki Yazı Yönünün Zaman Akış Yönü Algısına Etkisi Yürütücü Ulusal Proje TÜBİTAK ARDEB 01.10.2021

Courses Offered

Course Name Course Code Period
Language Development PSYC406 2023/24 Spring
Experimental Child Psychology PSYC466 2023/24 Spring
Advanced Theories in Developmental Psychology PSY505 2023/24 Fall
Research Methods for Psychology I PSYC201 2023/24 Fall
Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology I PSYC331 2023/24 Fall
Research Methods for Psychology I PSYC201 2024/25 Fall
Advanced Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology PSY531 2024/25 Fall
Special Topics in Bilingualism PSY608 2024/25 Fall