Acem, E., & Yilmaz, O. (2023). Heroism as moral intuition. In Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. Springer, Cham.
Alper, S., Yelbuz, B. E., Akkurt, S. B., & Yilmaz, O. (2023). The positive association of education with the trust in science and scientists is weaker in highly corrupt countries. Public Understanding of Science, 33(1), 2-19.
Bayrak, F., Aktar, B., Aydas, B., Yilmaz, O., Alper, S., & Isler, O. (2023). Effective health communication depends on the interaction of message source and content: two experiments on adherence to COVID-19 measures in Türkiye. Psychology & Health.
Bayramoglu, Y., Harma, M., & Yilmaz, O. (2018). The relationship between attachment to god, prosociality, and image of god. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 40(2-3), 202-224.
Dogruyol, B., Velioglu, I., Bayrak, F., Acem, E., Isler, O. & Yilmaz, O. (2024). Validation of the moral foundations questionnaire-2 in the Turkish context: exploring its relationship with moral behavior. Current Psychology.
Gurbuz, E., & Gokce, A. (2023). Visual processing of food stimuli: The impact of working memory load and color. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 85, 1722-1732.
Gurbuz, E., & Gokce, A. (2021). Exploring the space-calorie association: Preliminary evidence from reaction time performance. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 17(2), 136-148.
Güngör, M., Kayatepe, E., Özman, N., Şencan, R. S., & Saribay, S. A. (2024). Are holistic thinkers intellectually humbler? A first test. Personality and Individual Differences, 230, 112775.
Koç, N., Tahiroğlu, D., & Uzundağ, B. A. (2024). From mind to mind: Understanding the role of mothers in children’s theory of mind. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 95, 101719.
Okur, B., & Gokce, A. (2024). Spatial mental associations of distinct food types. Appetite, 198.
Salter, M. E., Duymaç, F. Y., Yilmaz, O., Bahçekapili, H. G., & Harma, M. (2022). Is negativity bias intuitive for liberals and conservatives?. Current Psychology.
Seker, F., Acem, E., Bayrak F., Yilmaz, O., Dogruyol, B., Isler, O. & Bahçekapili, H. G. (2025). Cognitive reflection and religious belief: A test of two models. Judgment and Decision Making.
Yıldız, E., Keşşafoğlu, D., Altundal, M., Akel, G., & Uzundağ, B. A. (in press). Navigating the digital age: Exploring the link between children’s self-regulatory skills and technology-based interruptions in parent-child interactions. Family Relations.
Yıldız, E. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2024). The role of perceived social support in mitigating the impact of parenting stress on children’s effortful control. International Journal of Behavioral Development.
Yıldız, E. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2022). Mothers’ descriptions of referents are related to children’s communicative competence. Cognitive Development.
Sunumlar / Conference Presentations
Acem E., Yılmaz, O., Isler, O., & Dogruyol, B. (November, 2023). Does cognitive reflection predict the moral behavior of cooperation?. II. National Symposium on Morality Studies in Social Psychology, Istanbul University, Turkey.
Acem, E., Yilmaz, O., Dogruyol, B., & Isler, O. (2023). Heroism as moral intuition and its relation to social behavior. Everyday Heroism Conference 2023, Tauranga Moana, New Zealand. Virtual.
Akel-Güçlü, G. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2023, August). Mothers’ pre-mentalization mediates the relationship between parenting stress and children’s emotion regulation difficulties. Poster session presented at the 8th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, Lancaster, UK.
Akel-Güçlü, G., Sıvış, Ö., & Uzundağ, B. A. (2023, August). Mothers’ supportive and non-supportive responses to children’s negative emotions and children’s emotion regulation skills. Poster session presented at the 8th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, Lancaster, UK.
Günaydın G., Şeker F., Velioğlu İ., Bayrak F., Alper S., Doğruyol B., Isler O. & Yılmaz O. (2022, October). Scarcity, cooperation, and thinking styles: A theoretical test of the Self-control Account. Paper presented at the 21th biennial meeting of the Turkish Psychology Society, Dogus University, Istanbul.
Keşşafoğlu, D., Yıldız, E., Küntay, A. C., & Uzundağ, B. A. (2024, July). Background Television and Infant-Directed Speech: A Home Observation Study. Poster session presented at the XVIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Prague, Czechia.
Keşşafoğlu, D., Uzundağ, B. A., Yıldız, E., & Küntay, A. C. (2023, January). Background television and child-directed language input: a home observation study. 13th Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Kessafoglu, D., Altundal, M. N., Koc, N., Yildiz, E., & Uzundağ, B. A. (2022, August). Correlates of young children’s screen time. Poster session presented at the 7th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, Lancaster, UK.
Koç, N. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2024, September). Conversing with the mind: The relationship between parental reflective functioning and parents’ mental state talk with children. Poster session presented at the 4th Developmental Psychology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey.
Koç, N. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2024, September). A deeper look into the mind: The relationship between parental reflective functioning and the duration of joint attention between infants and mothers. Poster session presented at the 4th Developmental Psychology Symposium, Ankara, Turkey.
Koç, N. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2024, January). A deeper look into the mind: The relationship between parental reflective functioning and the duration of joint attention between infants and mothers. Poster session presented at the 14th Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Koç, N. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2024, January). Conversing with the mind: The relationship between parental reflective functioning and parents’ mental state talk with children. Poster session presented at the 14th Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Koç, N. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2023, August). “Perhaps the frog has gone to the lake”: Mothers’ mental state talk about certainty mediates the relationship between mothers’ and children’s theory of mind. Poster session presented at the 8th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, Lancaster, UK.
Koç, N. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2023, January). From mind to mind: The relation between mothers’ and children’s theory of mind. 13th Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Koç, N. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2022, September). Are mothers’ and children’s theory of mind skills related? Poster session presented at the 3rd Developmental Psychology Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
Özalp, D. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2025, January). The effect of maternal attention-following on the relationship between SES and infant exploration. Poster session presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Özalp, D., Sönmez, A. K., & Uzundağ, B. A. (2025, January). Socioeconomic status and maternal behaviors encouraging infant exploration. Poster session presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Seker, F., Acem, E., Vurgun, R., Dogruyol, B., Isler, O., Bahçekapılı, H., & Yılmaz, O. (2025, February). Divine verification: Introducing a CAPTCHA-based religious priming technique. Poster presented at SPSP Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Şeker, F., Aşık Y., Ceylan M. E., Yılmaz O., Doğruyol B. & Saribay S. A. (2022, October). Left-wing authoritarianism in Turkey. Paper presented at the 21th biennial meeting of the Turkish Psychology Society, Dogus University, Istanbul.
Uzundağ, B. A., Güven, İ. N., Sıvış, Ö., & Başpınar, G. (2024, July). From crib to screen: Understanding the links between screen time and infant attention. Talk presented at the XXIV International Congress of Infant Studies, Glasgow, UK.
Uzundağ, B. A. & Koç, N. (2023, August). Attention sharing helps attention focusing: Relations between infants’ focused attention and joint attention with caregivers. Talk presented at the 8th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development, Lancaster, UK.
Uzundag, B. A., Yildiz, E., Altundal, M. N., Kessafoglu, D. (2021, April). Screen use at home is associated with shorter interactions with objects in infant-caregiver pairs. Poster session presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.
Velioğlu, İ., Varol, M., Bayrak, F., Doğulu, C., Alper, S., Doğruyol, B., Isler, O. & Yılmaz, O. (2022, October). Objective and subjective earthquake risk perception and morality as cooperation. Findings presented at the 21st Annual National Congress of Psychology, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Vurgun, R., Dogruyol, B., Isler, O., & Yılmaz, O. (2024, December). The role of reflective thinking on utilitarian intention and behavior. Paper presented at the 5th biennial meeting of the Social Psychology Congress, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey.
Vurgun, R., & Yılmaz, O. (2023, November). Comparing the Dual Process Model and the Two-Dimensional (2D) Model in explaining utilitarianism. II. National Symposium on Morality Studies in Social Psychology, Istanbul University, Turkey.
Yıldız, E. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2023, January). Higher-quality maternal feedback is linked to children’s communicative success. 13th Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Yıldız, E., Keşşafoğlu, D., Altundal, M. N., Akel, G., & Uzundağ, B. A. (2023, January). Parenting stress mediates the relationship between child effortful control and technoference. 13th Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Yıldız, E., Koşkulu, S., Ertaş, S., Küntay., A. & Uzundağ, B. A. (2022, August). Joint attention as a precursor to children’s referential communication skills. Poster session presented at the 7th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Childhood Development, Lancaster, UK.
Yildiz, E., Keşşafoğlu, D., Altundal, M., Akel, G., & Uzundağ, B. A. (2022, August). Parents’ perceived social support moderated the relation between parenting stress and children’s effortful control. Poster session presented at the 7th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Childhood Development, Lancaster, UK.
Yildiz, E. & Uzundag, B. A. (2022, January). Children’s repair of communication breakdowns: the role of maternal feedback strategies. Poster session presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development.
Yildiz, E. & Uzundag, B. A. (2022, January). Mothers’ descriptions of referents predict children’s communicative success. Poster session presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development.
Yildiz, E., Uzundag, B. A., Küntay, A. (2022, January). Joint attention in infancy predicts referential communication skills in toddlerhood. Poster session presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development.
Yildiz, E., Uzundag, B. A. (2021, November). Mothers’ descriptions of referents are linked to children’s communicative competence. Poster session presented at the 46th Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Yilmaz, O., Velioglu, İ., Varol, M., Dogruyol, B., Isler, O., Gächter, S. (2024, December). The impact of terrorism and earthquake threats on moral judgement and behaviour. Paper presented at the 5th biennial meeting of the Social Psychology Congress, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey.
Yilmaz, O., Velioglu, İ., Varol, M., Dogruyol, B., & Isler, O. (2024, July). Differential impacts of ecologically valid collective threats on cooperation in a non-WEIRD context. Foundations and Utility and Risk Conference (FUR 2024), The University of Queensland, Brisbane.