Program Director: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Nafiz AYDIN


MIS faculty teach and research about the application of information systems in organizations. This includes the study of social networks, cloud computing, Information Technologies (IT) consumerization, virtual reality, negotiation systems, collaboration technologies, office automation, electronic payments, strategic information systems, electronic commerce, collective intelligence, tele-medicine, electronic markets, social media, information requirements analysis, systems development methods, enterprise resource planning systems, systems implementation, adoption, and diffusion, mobile computing, and much more. The information technologies and systems we teach and research transform people’s lives, jobs and, for industry after industry, business models, products, supply chains, and distribution channels.

We are also interested in the implications of those technologies for people and society; personal privacy, infrastructure dependency, security, safeguarding of intellectual property, and IT-related stress all capture the interest of MIS faculty. So too do the political implementations of the Internet, the evolution of the field, and IT in developing nations. And that’s just today! Ours is one of the most dynamic fields; the area your dissertation will focus on in several years may not have even been conceived of today.

Graduates of MIS specialization often find jobs as systems analysts or as chief technical officers; chief information officer positions, also known as computer and information systems managers, are another possibility. The professionals in these managerial positions work together to ensure that a business chooses the right management technologies for the task at hand, as well as the most effective ways to implement them.

The requirements for an M.S. degree without thesis include 36 credits of coursework (12 courses) and a non-credit master’s project. For an M.S. degree with thesis, besides the 24 credit coursework (8 courses), a non-credit seminar and a successful defense of the M.S. thesis is required.

Kadir Has University is one of Turkey’s 32 universities with undergraduate programs in MIS and Business Informatics in Turkey. There are huge numbers of vacancies in MIS academic positions. It is highly likely that any time upon or close to your graduation from the M.S. program, you will get an academic position offer.

The medium of instruction is English.

Why Should I Choose This Program?

Let us consider a couple of recently established IT based companies’ worldwide for a moment: Google, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, e-bay, LinkedIn, FourSquare, Alibaba. The market value of each of these companies is measured in terms of billions of USD. Is this a coincidence or is it the new way of business? We believe that the answer is the latter. As we progress within the new technological era lots of things regarding our lives will dramatically change whether we like it or not. Some of these changes are: way of doing business, social life, entertainment, communication, commercialization, medicine, drug design, education, customer relations, resource planning, logistics, etc.

Thus, “if you are the one who is interested in IT and its application in organizations and have an interest in conducting research, performing excellent teaching, and in helping to invent a future around, applications of IT”, then you have a common passion with us. Just drop by and let’s have a talk. This may be the first step towards an exciting and promising career for you!

Some Reasons to Consider a M.S. in MIS from Kadir Has University

  • Active research projects in healthcare information systems, social media, innovation management, enterprise systems, technology adoption, big data and cyber-infrastructure,
  • Research experience in a variety of traditions such as experimental methods, data mining and its applications, econometric analysis, qualitative case-based research, social media, mobile systems, data governance, design and management of information systems,
  • Publications in leading journals across multiple disciplines, including all major information systems journals.

What Will I Learn in This Program and How Will It Contribute to My Career?

In addition to furthering your knowledge about information systems, you will be given the opportunity to develop the research skills and mindset necessary to be a successful scholar. In our seminars, as well as those you will take in other disciplines, you will learn about research methods, data analysis approaches, and theories applicable to your research. You will also gain necessary teaching expertise and experience.